Institute of Applied Sanskrit- Shaastriya Knowledge
(An undertaking of Angiras Clan), Chandigarh

अनुप्रयुक्त संस्कृत- शास्त्रीय ज्ञान संस्थान
(आंगिरस कुल का उपक्रम), चण्डीगढ़

House no - 1605, Sector 44 B, Chandigarh. (UT). Pin- 160044

E-mail -, Mobile - 9464558667

Collaborators in Academic Karma - Saarswatam ®, Chandigarh(UT), Darshan Yoga Sansthaan, Dalhousie(HP)

Under the Vedavyaas Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme Dept. of Sanskrit & SDHDR&T Center of S D College, Ambala Cantt organized discussion on “Critique of Thinking Habits in Sanskrit Shaastras, Sciences & Social Sciences संस्कृत-शास्त्रों, विज्ञानों एवम् सामाजिक-विज्ञानों में चिन्तनाभ्यास /विचाराभ्यास की मीमांसा” which was presided over by Dr B L Sethi ji  & Dr. Rajendra, Dr. Sanjay, Sh. Vishal, Sh. Manish, Sh. Saurabh participated in discussion. Dep. Of Skt initiated discussion by ppt presentation on the issue and introduced form and essence of thinking process in Indian knowledge tradition and raised some questions. Dr. B L Sethi introduced the methods of thinking in physical sciences. Dr. Rajendra clarified thinking process from the perspective of psychology. Dr. Sanjay talked about the role of language in thinking process. It was felt that more scholarly inputs are needed as this topic needs more careful handling. Students raised many interesting questions regarding imagination, feelings, action etc. How to think about thinking?
Download the ppt if u r interested.
Ashutosh Angiras

Dr. Rajinder Singh,Principal & Patron