Institute of Applied Sanskrit- Shaastriya Knowledge | Newsletter January & February 2020 Volume XXVIII-XXIX Newsletter January & February 2020 Volume XXVIII-XXIX | Institute of Applied Sanskrit- Shaastriya Knowledge
Institute of Applied Sanskrit- Shaastriya Knowledge
(An undertaking of Angiras Clan), Chandigarh

अनुप्रयुक्त संस्कृत- शास्त्रीय ज्ञान संस्थान
(आंगिरस कुल का उपक्रम), चण्डीगढ़

House no - 1605, Sector 44 B, Chandigarh. (UT). Pin- 160044

E-mail -, Mobile - 9464558667

Collaborators in Academic Karma - Saarswatam ®, Chandigarh(UT), Darshan Yoga Sansthaan, Dalhousie(HP)

Newsletter January & February 2020 Volume XXVIII-XXIX

2 New Invitations


Under the VedaVyaasa Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme, dept of Sanskrit

Why this discussion – Dept of Skt feels that in the name of citizen’s rights what different…

Participations are invited for ICPR New Delhi sponsored interdisciplinary

Free accommodation, TA and No Registration Fee.Teachers, students of Sanskrit, Hindi,…

Report Regarding “Sutra-Paath Recitation Workshop”

REQUEST to all Sanskritists & Friends of Sanskrit

SutraPath Recitation was conducted by Dr. Gaurav Sharma

He explained the context and the content of the Vedant Philosophy…

You will be duly acknowledged for your inputs.

Dept of skt has already designed and developed models & theories on Applied Indian Psychology….

Reminder cum New Infos

Gist of the workshop (18th January, 2020)

Under the VedaVyaas Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme, Dept. of Sanskri

8th January, 2020, Saturday, Haryana Sanskrit Academy, Panchkula sponsored one day…

Application of Rasa & Dhvani Theories on Film Music

Dr Someshwar Dutt, director,HSA, PKl in his presidential…

Reminder cum New Infos

Indian Psychology Workshop Invitation

Under the VedaVyaas Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme, Dept. of Sanskrit & SDHDR&T

20th January, 2020 Monday, 10.30 a.m., seminar room – To pay homage to Great Warrior
Hero MahaRana…

Rethinking Model of Applied Indian Psychology (with ref to
Sanskrit Shaastras & Modern Psychology)

Haryana Sanskrit Academy Panchkula & Dept. of Home Science, Physical Education,…

प्रेस नोट

A Brief Note about the Vasantotsav & Veer Hakikat Rai (29th Jan, 2020

नागरीक संशोधन अिधिनयम ( सी ए ए) राष्ट्रीय जनसंख्या रजिस्टर (एनपीआर) तथा नागरीकता का राष्ट्रीय रजिस्टर

नागरीक संशोधन अिधिनयम ( सी ए ए) राष्ट्रीय जनसंख्या रजिस्टर (एनपीआर) तथा नागरीकता का राष्ट्रीय रजिस्टर…

Dr Madhu Sharma with her students presented Saraswati vandana.

Dept of skt, Music, Hindi, Phy Edu & Sdhdr&t centre of S D College, Ambala Cantt …

Brief note about the meeting of the committee constituted by DHE

द्वितीय संस्कृत शास्त्रधारित क्रीड़ोत्सव एवम् सैन्य अवस्कंद प्रदर्शन

Broad areas of research including management, computational sanskrit, Vedic gross national

Haryana to propose to promote research on ancient knowledge held on…

Both ncc boys & girls participated in five sanskrit shaastra based games and then

Dept of skt has proposed to introduce these skt shaastra based sports in ncc army camps …

Upcoming 2 Major Events

Upcoming & Revised Academic Events

Haryana Sanskrit Academy Panchkula

2nd Sanskrit Shaastra Based Sports Festival cum Section Attack Performance -2020…

Haryana Sanskrit Academy Panchkula sponsored One Day Interdisciplinary

gain REVISED DATE OF Indian Psychology Workshop is 15th February …

A humble Reminder – Indian Psychology Workshop 15th February, 2020, Saturday

GIST of One Day Interdisciplinary National Workshop on

Pl stick to the following topics only – Defining human natur

Haryana Sanskrit Academy, Panchkula & Depts of Home Science, Physical Education…

Rethinking Model of Applied Indian Psychology (with ref to Sanskrit
Shaastras & Modern Psychology

Workshop was concluded on a positive & meaningful note with. …

Upcoming Major & Minor Academic Karma

भारतीय अस्मिता के परीभाषीकरण में महनीय ऋषी दयानद सरशवती का जीवन एवम् योगदान

Under The Vedavyaas Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme, Dept of Skt & SDHDR&T Centre…


Anyone can contribute:-

  • Self composed short poems, stories and articles ( not more than 500 words) are
    invited to be published in the newsletter.
  • Language can be Sanskrit, Hindi or English.
  • The newsletter reserves the right to publish or reject any contribution submitted
    for publication.
  • The document should be in MS-Word format and sent via email.

Important:- Members are requested to share their academic achievements for publication in the newsletter on email addresses stated above.