Institute of Applied Sanskrit- Shaastriya Knowledge
(An undertaking of Angiras Clan), Chandigarh

अनुप्रयुक्त संस्कृत- शास्त्रीय ज्ञान संस्थान
(आंगिरस कुल का उपक्रम), चण्डीगढ़

House no - 1605, Sector 44 B, Chandigarh. (UT). Pin- 160044

E-mail -, Mobile - 9464558667

Collaborators in Academic Karma - Saarswatam ®, Chandigarh(UT), Darshan Yoga Sansthaan, Dalhousie(HP)

Under VedaVyaas Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme, Dept of Sanskrit & SDHDR&T Center of S.D. College, Ambala Cantt, organize a national webinar on 2nd September, 2021, on the topic- “Form, Essence & History of Sanskrit Shaastraartha Tradition” “संस्कृत-शास्रार्थ-परम्परा का सार, प्रारूप एवम ् इततहास” in which the Dept of Skt introduced the topic of Shaastratha by giving a brief account of its constituents namely – VaadaKathaa, Jalpa-Kathaa & Vitandaa and then referred to ancient ( Yagyavalkya- Gargi Debate), medieval ( ShankarMandan Mishra, Kumarila BhattBauddha Debates) & modern (Rishi Dayanada -Pandits debates) & Saampradaayika Debates (Christianity vs Hindu Debates) and these debates were mostly focused on religious or philosophical issues. Prof.(Dr.) Rajinder Prasad Sharma, Former Head, Department of Philosophy, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.*was the resource person who elaborated the idea , types of debates in Sanskrit traition along with its history & after that *Prof (Dr.) Ramakant Angiras, Former Professor of Kalidas Chair & Head, Department of Sanskrit, Punjab University, Chandigarh presided over the webinar talked about the essence of Shaastra and meaning & purspose of debates. Webinar was attended by 36 participants from various states & institutions who shared their valuable inputs. Dr. Surendra Mohan Mishra, dept of Sanskrit, KUK gave a brief account of role of Nyaaya in debates and the process of debates then Dr. Sadanad Unni talked about debates in modern India. Dr. Sushma Mehta, Dr. Chanchal Sharma, Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Dr. Anjali Diwan, Prof Meenakshi, Sh Narinder Dutt, Dr. Rajendra, Dr. C K Jha, Sh Ajay Bhardwaj and others actively participated in the webinar. Webinar concluded by the vote of thanks proposed by Prof Loveleen Grover. You can watch the proceedings on the YouTube link given below