Institute of Applied Sanskrit- Shaastriya Knowledge
(An undertaking of Angiras Clan), Chandigarh

अनुप्रयुक्त संस्कृत- शास्त्रीय ज्ञान संस्थान
(आंगिरस कुल का उपक्रम), चण्डीगढ़

House no - 1605, Sector 44 B, Chandigarh. (UT). Pin- 160044

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Collaborators in Academic Karma - Saarswatam ®, Chandigarh(UT), Darshan Yoga Sansthaan, Dalhousie(HP)

Under the VedaVyaas Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme, Department Sanskrit, SDHDR&T Center, S D College, Ambala Cantt, GMN College, Ambala Cantt, MPN College, Mullana, DAV College, Naneola, Human Development Policy Research & Training Center, Maharshi Valmiki Anusandhaan Parishad, Valmiki Ramayan Prasaar Pratisthan jointly organized a National Open House Discussion on the topic- Re-evaluating Interrelationship of Sanatan Dharma & Hindoo Dharma & Their Constituents, सनातन धमथ एवं हहन्दूधमथ के अन्तःसम्बन्धों तर्ा उनके तत्त्वों का पुनमूल्थ यााँकन in which 46 partcipantan share their understanding and discussed about the issues in two parts (A)- If all Hindus are Sanaatani then where to place atheists, Aadivaasis and other religious sects? What constitutes Sanatan Dharma and Hindoo or in other word what are the constituents of Hindu / Sanatan Dharma? How do you define Hindoo Dharma & Sanatan Dharma? What is your clear cut understanding about the Aarya issue? Since When & How Sanatan Dharma became Hindu Dharma? & in the Part (2) प्रश्न १ – क्या आप धार्मथक हैंया धमथज्ञ? प्रश्न २- क्या आप अधमथ ( ववधमथ, परधमथ, आभास, उपमा और छल) को जानतेहैं? प्रश्न ३ – हहन्दुधमथकर्ाओं, कमथकाण्डों, प्रतीकों एवम ्दशथनों की व्यवस्र्ा और सम्बन्धों का आप तार्कथ क ववश्लेषण कर सकतेहैं? प्रश्न ४ – सवाथन्धमाथन्पररत्यज मामेकं शरणं व्रज – सनातनी होने के कारण आपका क्या अर्भमत है? Prof. (Dr.) Rajendra Prasad Sharma, Dept of Philosophy, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur and Wing Commd. J K Sharma opened the discussion by clarifying the meaning of Sanatan Dharma & Hindu Dharma by proving different etymologies and definitions from various Shaastras and then house was opened up for discussions in which Dr. Nand Kishore Sharma, Dr. Manmohan , Dr C K Jha, Dr. Renu, Dr Poonam Ghai, Dr Rajendra, Dr R K Gupta, Sh. Prem Aggarwal, Dr Jaiprakash Gupta, Dr. Bharti Bandhu, Dr. Chanchal Sharma, Dr. Vivek, Dr. Vishnu Dutt and other tried to resolve the issues related to topic but we all failed to conclude it meaningfully & satisfactorily. Maj Gen A. K. Shori gave the concluding remarks and Dr. Desh Bandhu, Vice President of Sanatan Dharma Shabha proposed the vote of thanks and invited research papers from scholars on the topic to be published soon by Sanatan dharma Shabha. He also proposed and invited scholars to conduct seminars/ conferencereces / workshops at SaptaRishi Ashram, Haridwar and boarding& lodging will be taken care of by Sanatan Dharma Sabha. You can send proposals to him or can contact him for this purpose. It was decided to conduct a second round of discussion on this topic. You can watch the proceedings on the YouTube link given below-